Wednesday Recap

As we announced in yesterday’s update, there were three candidates nominated for the position of Vice President, Southern Region. As a result, delegates spent this morning voting in a primary election for that position. J.R. Macon and Nick Mosezar received the highest votes and will appear on the mail ballot in the election this coming fall. 


The Convention began in the early afternoon with June Harris opening the session with a poignant invocation during which delegates kept brothers and sisters who have lost loved ones in their thoughts.


The National Officers then presented their reports to the assembled delegates. President Paul Hogrogian spoke first, beginning with the message that the state of the Union is strong. Looking back over the past few years, President Hogrogian described the heroic and courageous work Mail Handlers performed during the COVID-19 pandemic and our Union’s pivotal role in the 2020 general and 2022 mid-term elections. President Hogrogian also described the successes the Union achieved in negotiating the 2022 National Agreement and in working with the Postal Service to in-source thousands of Mail Handler jobs that had previously been subcontracted.


President Hogrogian then turned to the challenges ahead and, in particular, the NPMHU’s response to the Postal Service’s Delivering for America 10-year plan. President Hogrogian spoke decisively about the need for Mail Handlers from the National to the Local to the Branch levels to fight to ensure that every position that is properly within the Mail Handler craft be assigned to our Union.


President Hogrogian concluded his remarks by reiterating the truth that the NPMHU derives its strength from its members and that by drawing on our collective expertise, the Union can prevail through any challenge.


Next, Kevin Tabarus delivered the Report of the National Secretary-Treasurer. He began by highlighting that the decisions made during the 2020 Convention have helped provide the Union with financial security so that the Union has the resources to fight the challenges ahead.


That said, the NPMHU will not rest on its laurels. National Secretary-Treasurer Tabarus discussed the growth of the Mail Handler craft: in six years, our Union has grown by more than 20%. He made a rousing call for immediate widespread efforts to continue not only to grow the size of the craft but also the membership of the Union. The energy he garnered from the delegates reinforced the feasibility of the Union’s ambitious goals.


Today, delegates heard from more guest speakers: Oregon Congressional Representative Lori Chavez DeRemer discussed the various legislation to protect Postal Service workers for which she has advocated; AFL-CIO President Liz Shuler declared her staunch belief in the NPMHU and emphasized the importance of this upcoming election; and Mark Gardner, National Secretary-Treasurer Emeritus, shared a heartfelt thank you to the delegates for their hard work and their support during his tenure as National Secretary-Treasurer.


Finally, Jeff Larsen took the stage to conclude the Constitution Committee recommendations. Delegates spoke thoughtfully and passionately as they advocated for improvements to the Constitution. All recommendations were passed unanimously.


Tonight, delegates will enjoy off-site events throughout Las Vegas. Now halfway through the convention, the progress made this week will undoubtedly move the Union towards a better future.

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